太极拳道学 疑义问答十三摘要


13 Questions & Answers with Master Huang Xingxian



Q: Are there different schools or sects of Taiji?

A: Taiji embodies a comprehensive set of knowledge, developed and handed down by our learned predecessors with mystifying principles and profound philosophical learnings. The Taiji movements are scientific as the principles are based on scientific fundamentals. Our predecessors developed the art for improving health, warding off sickness, slowing the ageing process, achieving longevity and self-defense. All this benefits mankind and society. Good character formation is promoted. An adherent imbibed with the Dao (or philosophy as a way of life) of Taiji would contribute towards proper governance of the country and universal peace. Taiji is not a martial art meant for bragging and antagonistic purposes. A Taiji exponent would need to understand the principles and philosophy of Taiji. No one should deviate from these principles and philosophy. The movements can be developed and modified but the principles are eternal. The external forms may differ from person to person but the principles are standard and unvarying. Because of this there is no basis for differentiation by schools. Instead a spirit of a single family should prevail. Common interest of the art should take precedence over personal interest. An open attitude should emerge, bearing in mind the spirit of the founder and predecessors to propagate the philosophy of Taiji throughout the world so as to improve the health of mankind.



Q: How should we practice Taiji in order to reach accuracy?

A: The gap between accurate and non-accurate achievement is wide. Remember the words of the old master, Wang Tsung Yueh that the body must be naturally and vertically balanced bearing in mind the principles of being relaxed, rounded and awareness of the various parts of the body. During practice of the set movements, one must be careful, conscious or alert, observant and must feel where one is moving. Otherwise there is form without substance and deception to people. To achieve accuracy, the principles of Taiji must be followed in addition to correct methods of practising. A good master is necessary coupled with one's own constant research. The art must be learned progressively having to be on firm ground first before advancing to the next step. Personal requirements are also important. One must be determined, confident, persevering and motivated. A secure means of livelihood and having normal environment coupled with single-mindedness, constant learning and practice and clear understanding of the principles thoroughly - all this will lead to achievement of accuracy. This is in contrast to those who want to learn fast, who concern themselves with the external forms and who learn to practise sporadically. These hope to learn first and be corrected later not realising that it is worse than having a new person learning from scratch. Others take the principles of Taiji lightly or superficially and liken the art to a common exercise, drill or dance. All this has form but no substance. One's body must be likened to a perfect machine where a wrong spare part will affect the operation of the machine. The founder of Taiji has said, "Achieving the Dao is important, acquiring the skill in the art is secondary; not learning my Dao, he is not my student." Therefore also important would be honesty and righteousness or a good moral character.


A: The founder created the art. But through the years, the forms of Taiji have differed: some have 24 basic movements while others have 37; some have 64 set movements and some have 72 while others have 108 movements or even 124. There are long sets and short sets. Movements have been large and expansive and have been small and compact. Some emphasised high postures; others opt for low ones. Some practise slowly; others practise at a faster pace. All this divergence is written by men. What is important is that the principles remain the same. Different masters with different temperaments have been following the basic principles through the ages. They have engaged in continuous research and training. They have reviewed and improved the art until the ultimate objective is achieved where form becomes formless, limbs are no more important, brute force becomes nonexistent and stiffness has given way to being fully relaxed. Character formation has advanced to the stage of non-self and of non-resistance so that the whole body is used and hands are no more used as hands. Youthfulness and longevity are attained. It is easy to master correct forms as the Qi and the principles of the art are internally harmonised. Harmonisation is also to be achieved between the upper, middle and lower parts and between the left and the right body. Even though difficult it is relatively easier to master correct forms compared to acquiring skill in the art. This is so as in training or practising there are a number of normally undetectable parts of the body that are difficult to keep under control from the aspects of speed, timing, rhythm and balance. Because of this, skill in the art is difficult to acquire. But then as the founder says, Understanding one portion of the art would mean being enlightened on all portions or parts. Then all schools and sects become one.



Q: Is it better to practise Taiji more frequently or less frequently?

A: There are no extremes in Taiji. The essence is in the training method. If the method is not correct, it is no different from ordinary drills with a lot of time spent but relatively little achievement. So it is not a question of practising more or less frequently but practising correctly. That is, the central equilibrium must be vertically maintained. Every movement must be disciplined such that the posture is vertically balanced. The principles remain unchanged: there is straightness in a curve and vice versa. There must be constant learning and practice, understanding the principles and the less obvious points. Mastery of this will produce skill naturally. There is no question, therefore of practising too much or too little but rather of practising correctly.



Q: Is it correct to practise the art fast or to practise it slow?

A: The earth rotates at a constant, specific rate. Similarly, Taiji should not be practised too slowly or too fast but should be practised comfortably. The human body must be moved naturally otherwise there would be weaknesses. If the practice is too fast, breathing is affected resulting in uneven respiration, breathlessness and the heart pulsating too fast. If the practice is too slow, the limbs and the joints become stiff. Qi is blocked and is locally stagnant; intent or consciousness is employed but the Qi is not flowing. Internal force and Qi must be synchronised. Internally, there is the harmony of the libido, energy, Qi and spirit while externally, the mind, consciousness (or intent) and body are also harmonised and in turn both the internal and external harmonies are synchronised. Muscles must be relaxed and all parts of the body are naturally without tension. It is not possible therefore to say practising fast is correct or practising slow is correct as this has to be based on the standard or level of achievement of the student. One must practise until the whole body is relaxed and comfortably balanced. Once there is internal and external synchronisation, then the question of slow and fast in practice is unimportant. At this stage, one gets the feeling that the upper portion of the body is like the drifting of clouds and the lower portion is like the flowing of water. Consciousness is continuous and is harmonised with movement. All parts of the body are natural and are unified. There is then no question of being fast or slow.



Q: Is it correct to have either high or low postures in the set movements of Taiji?

A: The art of Taiji does not distinguish high and low postures, but is rather based on the idea of four balances or equilibriums: 1 balance in the magnitude of the posture or movement such as both sides of the body must have balanced amount of spatial displacement when moving; 2 accuracy or precision achieved simultaneously by all parts of the body; 3 bodily balance when moving or turning; 4 steadiness particularly when moving. External and internal balance or harmony must be cultivated where there is no slanting of the central axis of the body. When hind force is invoked, the hind knee being bend will move up or straighten slightly though the height of the body remains unchanged. This is so as consciousness (or intend) and Qi would close centrally instead of coming up while the bent knee is used to adjust accordingly. Consciousness is used to lead the muscles in relaxing. Joints, muscles and ligaments must then be loosened, relaxed and thrown open but still linked. The body is then erect and comfortable. Consciousness is also used to 'move' Taiji principles to parts of the body. Having achieved four balances and eight steadiness, the question of high and low postures is then answered individually.



Q: How can substantiality and insubstantiality be distinguished between left and right or top and bottom in the body?

A: The muscles, skeleton and nerves are parts of the body system. When practising the movements, the use of consciousness to sink and relax the body is most important. The centre of gravity is moved while preserving the uprightness of the central axis of the body. It is important to focus on steadiness, tranquility, relaxation and rootedness. The movements propel the external movements in a continuous or uninterrupted fashion. Internal force is generated with turning movements. After a long time, the whole body is in balance. When left and right is distinguished, one is substantial and the other insubstantial along the pattern of 'cross alignment'. For instance, together with the distinction between top and bottom parts of the body, when the left upper part of the body is substantial, the left lower part is insubstantial and similarly when the right upper part of the body is substantial, the right lower part is insubstantial. This pattern of cross alignment is used in shifts of the centre of gravity from one leg to the other. This is similar to the 'cross-roads' of the nervous system. When moving Qi, therefore, one must separate substantial from insubstantial, move the step without moving the body or moving the body and not the hand. If in moving a step, the body also moves, then it is not separating substantial from insubstantial. If in moving the body, the hand also moves, then the shoulder and the hands are not relaxed. It is important to follow the principles of using consciousness to propel movement. The top and bottom, left and right portions of the body must be coordinated. A rounded grinding stone may move but the centre is not moving. All parts of the body become one system characterised by lightness and agility, roundness and smoothness, even respiration, alternate opening and closing like that of the sea where with movement from one part of the sea, all parts are also moved. The movements are guided by consciousness and are properly regulated like the regular movements of the waves in the sea.



Q: How could the movements be practised in order that they can be usefully applied?

A: Take the five loosening exercises as an illustration. These exercises are based on Taiji principles. During practice there must be full concentration since any distraction will nullify any effects. Bear in mind the three points of non-mobility: the head which must be locked on to the body, the hands which must not move of its own volition and the soles of the feet which must be still and rooted to the ground. Consciousness (or intent) will lead the Qi along. Steps are made without affecting or moving the body. Turning movements start from the waist and hips with hands propelled from the waist and hips in accordance with the principle that all movements originate from the waist. Principles must be understood and no movements are separated from the principles. Once you make it internally you are also 'through' externally. Once you are fully relaxed, you can change according to circumstances and can therefore neutralise an oncoming force. You would have reached that position of non-self where the whole body is the weapon and the hands are no more used as hands. If you are not able to usefully apply your movements then you still have not understood the basics of the five relaxing exercises. If you have not mastered the essentials, then there is no point of talking about application of the movements.


答:松腹关系殊大,腹部是丹田蓄气之库,气沉丹田是以心运气于丹田,然后便能转运全身,若气停于丹田而不运是为滞气,谓之"胀",故气下沉后稍停即转运则不滞留腹遂松柔,久之而有弹性,使气行遍全身,内气可敛入脊骨。十三势歌云:"腹内松净气腾然",切不宜气积腹部,久之则腹部凸出。 垂臂,垂臀者即于每一动作中。臀应松垂下不可突出,亦不可凹闾,一般教与学者多忽略这要点。松腹与垂臀相辅相成,两者缺一不可否则根浮腰硬,身体失去中心。控制重身达到中定。练有得法可验上腹部近丹田处,用手指按之急放。必有弹性之感觉,臀收如棉花也。

Q: What is the rationale for relaxing the abdomen and withdrawing the coccyx (or tailbone)?

A: Qi is stored in the Dan Tien as a result of using consciousness to sink the Qi to this point. From here Qi should circulate to the whole body. If Qi just remains in the Dan Tien, then the abdomen will have the sensation of being stuffed. Only when Qi circulates throughout the body will the abdomen be relaxed and pliable. After a time, the abdomen will acquire some bouncy or springy effect and Qi would have been circulating to the whole body. Qi can be occluded or absorbed into the backbone. The Song of the Thirteen Postures says, "If the abdomen is thoroughly relaxed, then the Qi will rise." So do not just store the Qi in the abdomen otherwise it will simply bloat. Having coccyx withdrawn means there is no protrusion of the buttocks while making sure at the same time that the hip joints are not sliding forward. This must be combined with relaxing the abdomen and both requirements must be met at the same time. Otherwise, there is no rootedness while the waist is stiff resulting in vertical imbalance or disequilibrium. It is important to maintain the uprightness of the central axis of the body in order to achieve central equilibrium. A test can be made as follows to see whether all this has been done correctly all along: use one thumb to press the abdomen and release the thumb suddenly. There should be a bouncing or springy effect of the abdomen. At the same time, the seat of the buttocks behind should be very soft to the touch.



Q: What is true spirit of Taiji?

A: Good and famous masters of Taiji teach the same stuff but students will learn differently. This is because students differ in natural endowment and physical make-up. The real acquisition of the art is not in just mastering the external forms but also in mastering the principles and philosophy. The learner must be a man of reason having learnt, practised and understood the art successfully. He applies those principles and philosophy to his daily life. He will not take unfair advantage or be selfish. He is wholeheartedly devoted to Taiji. He shares the founder's spirit of striving for mankind to be physically and mentally healthy. This would be the true Taiji spirit.



Q: How many times must we practice the Taiji Form each day?

A: The important principle is moderation. The practising technique must be correct in the first place. Some people say you must practise the whole set of movements ten times a day with one set lasting about 25 minutes. This only focuses on quantity and is wasting Qi and energy. It is contrary to the basic principles of Taiji succeeding in only making you sweat and reducing weight. It is not beneficial to the development of the internal force, internal organs or generally the body internally. Grandmaster Cheng Man Ching has said, "Practise the mobilisation of the internal force and Qi using the 37 basic movements every day. One set of movements lasts only 7 minutes." Practising too much or too little is subject to whether it is practised correctly or not. Utilising my experience and following my practising technique, students are encouraged to practise every morning and evening using about 5 minutes to practise a particular movement or posture (dividing each of them into 2 parts) over and over again. Those students who do so are likely to succeed.


答:许多人练太极拳因不得其法,故练数十年仍一无所成。习太极拳者,应向道学求知,然后求理、法、功,先通宇宙与人生之道理,以气行功当明其法。徐鑫恒修,久之必渐厚根底,得其法,通其理、守其窍、生其巧。生根与内劲看不见,是不能教的,得其法者根底与功劲是练出来的。练拳行功时周身节节贯串,丝毫没有间断,不为空间所制,全身透空,不使彼能牵动于我。虚静轻灵,犹如深山之蛇,首尾相顾,击首者尾应,击尾者首应,击中背者首尾俱应。随心所欲,修练能得成就然后谓之轻灵。譬如二百斤铁棒,怀巨力者可将之提起,惟以百斤之铁链,虽有巨力不能提起。节节贯串松透犹此意也。 学习太极拳道者应明阴阳在拳架与推手上之妙用。阴阳即是太极,太极代表宇宙,宇宙包罗万象。练拳行功,功架内含整体,内、外、上、下、左、右、前、后皆不离虚实,动静无间,所谓阴不离阳;阳不离阴。阳动阴也动;阴动阳也动。练拳行功要懂此理。心身并练,道技兼修;道为阴技为阳,阳是阴极所生,松静下沉为阴,是守化为基本,不可用自力强取。静如泰山稳固,不变以应万变之理。拳祖说:"道体为本,技用末事也!"所以先学到舍己从人,方得随心所欲。攻守两字,先得法练到虚静,然后守必固、攻必取,皆从自然,而能得者为上乘。推手练到不丢不顶,不离不抗。推手程度则先判功架松沉,可得贴劲然后产生化劲、蓄劲,到了不化自化,不发自发之境界。 今日世界科技发达,物质文明日趋进步,生活紧张,商业竞争,精神欠安宁,所以多患都市通病。太极拳这古老的运动,普遍受国际人士所喜爱,练太极拳是那么普及大众化,并没有什么秘诀,平等公开,人人可练。但练习者患拳弊殊多。有几个原则习拳应遵循为(一)要尊师重道。(二)为人诚实无欺。(三)练功架应慎思察觉。(四)要按部就班,不可求多求速成。(五)要虚心恒练。(六)要肯照上速自修法。选择名师指导,千金易得,名师难求,有了名师,练习要合方法,如此没有不成功之理也。

Q: Some students have been learning and practising Taiji for several years and are yet unstable. Why is this so?

A: A lot of students are using wrong learning and practising technique. Students must start with understanding the Dao of philosophy, then the principles, then using the correct method and finally putting in the effort. He must understand the relationship of man and his surroundings or the universe and use the method of Qi to practice. He must be humble and persistent in his practice. Slowly, rootedness will result and the method of practising be understood. Understand the principles and be aware of the less obvious and unnoticeable aspects in slowing acquiring skill. Being rooted and having internal force can never be observed externally. They can be accomplished through correct method. In practising the movement and developing the internal force, the joints of the body must be loosened and yet linked. The whole body is relaxed and is not easily pushed over by an opponent. Substantiality is distinguished from insubstantiality. Aim to be flexible and pliable like a snake whose tail will come in to help if you attack the head, or vice versa or whose tail and head will assist when the centre is attacked. Be responsive to consciousness (or intent), then tranquility and pliability can be achieved. It is easier to lift off a 200 katies iron rod than to lift up a 100 katies iron chain. This illustrates the principles of thoroughly relaxed joints.

Students must also understand the application of yin and yang in the movements and push hand exercises. Yin and yang principles are in Taiji which encompasses the universe: all movements whether divided according to upper and lower body, right and left, front and back, internal and external must not deviate from the principles of substantiality and insubstantiality. Moving and stillness alternate continuously: Yin does not depart from Yang and vice versa. When Yang moves, Yin also moves and vice versa. This principle must be understood when practising the set movements. The body and the character is trained together as is the acquisition of the Dao and the art. Dao is likened to yin while the art or skill is the yang. Yang is evolved from yin at yin's completion. Being relaxed, stillness and being rooted become yin components. Neutralisation of force forms the basic foundation where no strength is used. Stillness is like that of the mountain. No change is seen but it is capable of a lot of changes. The founder has said, "Dao is the basis, art is the consequence". One must therefore acquire Dao by learning not to resist, for only then will the body learn to be obedient. In attacking and defending, one must understand the method, then acquire insubstantiality and quietude. Only then will the defense be solid. Attacking will also be successful as one is naturally comfortable. In pushing hands exercise, one must learn to achieve non-resistance and stickiness. Having achieved stickiness, then one can achieve the ability to neutralise force. With adequate reserves, the neutralising ability is applied with an involuntary exertion of internal force.

(13) 问:练武者重武德尤须尊师重道吗?

答:现今世风日下人心不古,仁义道德渐沦没。昔日练武者崇尚武德,尤其尊师重道。但今非昔比,多少学子羽毛未丰便欲高飞,为求自己名利却忘了恩师费尽心血栽培,甚或违背良心欺师灭祖,既不明尊师重道,更不懂饮水思源,乌鸦尚知反哺之恩,人何其不如?不通理不明做人原则何能立身处世?何以心安理得?骗得了一时骗不了永久。为此维护师道以正人心。凡是同道,人人有责,应以此为共同目标,培养学员德育仁心以振颓风,共卫师道。 余习武术与太极拳六十年,今拟退离教务,为普及发扬太极道学,拟以录音代讲授,使教学普及和科学化,使太极拳道发扬光大。

Q: How should a student relate to his teacher?

A: In the present day, science is very advanced affecting all aspects of human endeavor day by day. This gives rise to stress and keen competition in business having a telling effect on the spirit. This is a common malady. This is why Taiji an ancient art, is popular and a common practice. It has no secrets. It is equitable to all as it discriminates against no student. But students often commit errors in practising the art. Students should bear in mind the following pointers:
1. Respect the teacher and accept the philosophy or Dao of the art;
2. Be honest and do not take unfair advantage;
3. Be conscientious and serious, think, observe and feel or be aware during practice;
4. Progress step by step;
5. Be humble and practice constantly;
6. Follow all the principles mentioned earlier when practising by themselves.
(Translation supervised by Huangxingxian)

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