Hazrat Inyat Khan

Sufi Master Hazrat Inyat Khan (1882-1927)(1882-1927)
An Indian Sufi, he lived and taught extensively in Europe from 1910 until 1926, founding the Universal Brotherhood.

His teacher was Muhammad Abu Hashim Madani who trained him in the ways of the Chishti, Naqshbandi, Qadiri, and Suhrawardi Sufi orders.

He died in India in 1927, possibly by malicious poisoning.

Hazrat Inayat Khan speaks:


"All religions are expressions of the one Truth."

Spiritual Guide

"The next thing in the attainment of the inner life is to seek a spiritual guide - someone whom a you can absolutely trust and have every confidence in, someone to whom one can look up to, and one with whom one is in sympathy - a relationship which would culminate in what is called devotion.

Once one has found someone in life that they consider their Guru, their guide, then they should give them all confidence, so that not a thing is kept back. If there is something kept back, then what is given might just as well be taken away, because everything must be done fully, either have confidence or not have confidence, either have trust or not have trust. On the path of perfection, all things must be done fully.
(The Inner Life, Hazrat Inayat Khan, Orient Books, 1980, p. 43)

10 Principles of Universal Way

1. There is one God; the Eternal, the Only Being; None exists save the One.
2. There is one master; the guiding spirit of all souls that constantly leads all followers toward the light.
3. There is one holy book; the sacred manuscript of nature, the only Scripture that can enlighten the reader.
4. There is one religion; unswerving progress in the right direction toward the Ideal, which fulfills every soul's life purpose.
5. There is one law; the law of reciprocity, which can be observed by a selfless conscience, together with a sense of awakened justice.
6. There is one Family, the Human Family, which unites the Children of Earth indiscriminately in the Parenthood of God.
7. There is one moral; the love which springs forth from a willing heart, surrendered in service to God and Humanity, and which blooms in deeds of beneficence.
8. There is one object of praise; the beauty which uplifts the heart of its worshipper through all aspects from the seen to the unseen.
9.There is one truth; true knowledge of our being, within and without, which is the essence of Wisdom.
10.There is one path; annihilation of the false ego in the real, which raises the mortal to immortality, in which resides all perfection.
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