life death & rebirth

3 ways after death

After Death

People are divided at death into 3 general categories – those who remain trapped on the Earth, those who return to the Earth and those who move on to a higher evolution.

Each person comes into life with their own triple-aspect Deep Essence, plus a genetic contribution from their parents and grand-parents.

This Deep Essence expandeds at birth to form the Personal Energy Field and is modified by subsequent Earth life.

The overall quality of life, especially decisions made at crucial moments, determines whether that individual evolves, stagnates or spirals down.

Death Process

On physical death, the Deep Mind withdraws from the Physical body and then, according to its state, progressively over time from the Lower Energies (Etheric, Astral and Celestial).

The Personality or Ego fades as the Personal Energy Field gradually dissolves. The essential experiences of that life, on each level, are condensed as Deep Essence and withdrawn within the Deep Mind.


Those who remain after death have cut themselves of from their Deep Mind and Spirit by their actions and attitudes during their life. They continue to exist on the Earth for a time in their Shadow Bodies composed mainly of the most gross Lower Energies (Etheric).

Their Deep Mind is de-energised by the withdrawal of the Spirit and Higher Energies. The Shadow Body, along with the accumulated triple essence from their past lives, gradually fades away over about 21 years and that person ceases to exist as an individual. The life energies, along with accumulated patterns, dissolve back into their sources to be recycled.

They contribute to the energy field of the Earth in an unconscious general sense, as do animals. This absorption of the particular characteristics created by the individual is done from compassion, avoiding the almost hopeless suffering the person would experience in future lives, while freeing the Spirit for a new attempt – if it chooses.

This arm of fate should be avoided at all costs.


Those who return have lived a life where the consciousness has not completely attached itself to the body. That part of the Personal Energy Field that can be freed from involvement with the body is condensed in its essence back into the Deep Mind within which consciousness continues. The Shadow Body, un-constrained by any directing intelligence, dissolves, over 3 to 7 days, back into its constituent parts. The Deep Mind dies to the Earth ("the 2nd death") but is simultaneously born to another existence.

Each of the planets has an intelligence and energy level relative to its position within the energy field of the Solar System and it is to their corresponding place that the person is drawn. This is the same existence the person experienced in deep sleep during their life on Earth.

After a period of time within the energy field of some particular planet – exactly one lifetime in that new existence varying anywhere between 3 years and 500 years depending on the energy level to which they have withdrawn – people are attracted back by their Deep Essence to be reborn on the Earth in another body.

Each rebirth the Personal Energy Field is recreated by the Deep Mind based on a combination of the accumulated Deep Essence from past lives, parents genetic and energetic contributions, and surrounding life conditions. The 3 Minds must be newly regulated, strengthened and refined and a new Personality forms in the early life of the individual. This is the ground conditions in which the seed of the Soul may grow.

Past family ties are one important factor affecting the circumstances of rebirth, but also any strong energy connections such as love, hate, or dependence. There is also a factor of choice from the Spirit as it seeks to repair damage its previous incarnations may have caused and repay those it may have treated badly, often by seeking the opposite role as the sufferer.

Men may come back as women and women as men. Africans, Europeans, Asians, etc, often change races and experience the other side of racial disharmony. Religious Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus etc, will change places if there has been religious persecution or hatred on their part. The rich may return poor and the dominant classes may return as the subservient. People are given this chance to learn and change but often just repeat their mistakes and take revenge for what they perceive as a new mis-justice.

This arm of fate will repeat, under a minimum of effort, until it is clear no real future progress is likely. Then the Earth-bound dissolution will break the cycle. This should also be avoided at all costs.

Moving On

Those who move on (resurrected in the higher worlds), have both tuned the Deep Mind predominantly to that of the Higher Energies and the Spirit, and worked through the accumulated obligations from their past. The 3 Minds have evolved within the Personal Energy Field which has been gathered, refined and crystallised into the Sphere of the Deep Mind (Crystal Body).

At death the individual consciousness is withdrawn completely into this Crystal Energy Body where it continues to function with will, consciousness and intelligence, experiencing no further need to be reborn on the Earth. These Beings are on various levels. A few who have only passed the 2nd Initiation and who would usually return to the Earth, may, under certain known conditions, be able to remain in the Astral (2nd energy level) and work on from there.

Others past the 3rd Initiation will remain on the Celestial (3rd) energy level. Only those passed the 4th Initiation are truely free and may enter the spiritual higher energy levels (4th energy level and beyond).

This arm of fate leads to glorious future possibilities, for those who have made the lifelong struggle to evolve.
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