
deepself – 3 worlds



就像太极拳一样,个人能量球向各个方向扩展到一臂长,形成一个直径约 6 英尺的近似球体,所有运动都在其中发生。


在身体不活动的情况下,我们可能会将其浓缩回一个大小为一半或 3 英尺的球体——大丹田。

(AI translation – corrections welcome)


身体的能量(精)位于下丹田 - 从会阴(会阴,会阴)延伸到太阳神经丛的 12 英寸球体,以肚脐下方 3 指宽的点为中心。炼化过程中,能量向上向外扩张,逐步激发和激活大丹田的三层。

深层情绪能量(气)集中在中丹田——从太阳神经丛延伸到喉咙底部的 12 英寸球体。能量在炼化的过程中,从下丹田升腾而起,充满了这个球体。当我们与关系密切的人(例如亲密的家人、老师和学生)互动时,这个级别是活跃的。

深层精神能量(神)聚集在上丹田 - 围绕头部的球体,以脑垂体为中心。能量在炼化的过程中,从中丹田中升起,充满并激活这个球体。当我们渴望与那些进化得超出我们自己水平的人建立联系时,这个水平是活跃的。

8 Paths – by Master Chao Pi Chen

Basic body energy is based in the perineum between the legs, rising during refinement to the abdomen (Lower Dan Tian). This energy circulates in a network of 8 special channels. Follow the paths with the Mind visualising a stream of golden light, while listening to the resulting body sensations.

1. Inhale; lift energy up the spine from its base to the centre of the head.
2. Exhale; sink energy down the front of the body and return it to its base.
3. Inhale; up the lower-back, dividing at the belt then up to both shoulders.
4. Exhale; down the outer arms, along the middle fingers to the palms.
5. Inhale; lift energy up the inner arms to each side of the chest.
6. Exhale; down across the nipples, join at the waist and return to its base.
7. Inhale; lift energy up in the centre of the trunk to the solar plexus.
8. Exhale; drop it via the base, front of the legs and middle toes, to the soles.
9. Inhale; raise energy via rear of the legs and base to fill the abdomen.
10. Exhale; return the energy to its base, completing one round of 5 breaths.
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