Energy Refinement

deepself – 3 worlds

The world is a series of inter-penetrating subtle energy realms

On each level or realm there is an inner personal aspect which forms our body on that level, and an outer aspect or the wider realm in which that body exists.

With the body active,

the Personal Energy Sphere expands out to one arms length in all directions to form a sphere approximately 6 feet in diameter within which all movements take place – the large Dantian.

In meditation, with the body inactive,

each of the 3 Dantian, lower, middle and upper, form spheres of energy each approximately 1 foot (12in or 30cm) in diameter.


Physical-Etheric energy (Jing) is based in the Lower Dantian – the 12in sphere which extends from the perineum (会阴, Huiyin) to the solar plexus (太阳神, Taiyangshen), centred on the point 3 finger-widths below the navel. During refinement, energy expands upwards and outwards, to progressively energise and activate the 3 levels of the Large Dantian.

Deep Emotional

Deep Emotional energy (Qi) is centred in the Middle Dantian – the 12in sphere which extends from the solar plexus to the base of the throat. Energy rises, during the process of refinement, from the Lower Dantian to fill this sphere. This level is active when we interact with those to whom we are closely connected, such as close family, teachers and students.

Deep Mental

Deep Mental energy (Shen) is gathered in the Upper Dantian – the sphere which surrounds the head, centered on the pituitary gland. Energy rises, during the process of refinement, from the Middle Dantian to fill and activate this sphere. This level is active when we aspire to connect with those well evolved beyond our own level.

8 Paths – by Master Chao Pi Chen

Basic body energy is based in the perineum between the legs, rising during refinement to the abdomen (Lower Dan Tien). This energy circulates in a network of 8 special channels. Follow the paths with the Mind visualising a stream of golden light, while listening to the resulting body sensations.

1. Inhale; lift energy up the spine from its base to the centre of the head.
2. Exhale; sink energy down the front of the body and return it to its base.
3. Inhale; up the lower-back, dividing at the belt then up to both shoulders.
4. Exhale; down the outer arms, along the middle fingers to the palms.
5. Inhale; lift energy up the inner arms to each side of the chest.
6. Exhale; down across the nipples, join at the waist and return to its base.
7. Inhale; lift energy up in the centre of the trunk to the solar plexus.
8. Exhale; drop it via the base, front of the legs and middle toes, to the soles.
9. Inhale; raise energy via rear of the legs and base to fill the abdomen.
10. Exhale; return the energy to its base, completing one round of 5 breaths.
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