The purpose of life is growth of individual consciousness.
Outer life supports this, while the inner process goes on at a deeper level than the ordinary mind can perceive.
Spirit exists in the Ever Present Here and Eternal Now. Eternal Now includes past, present and future which exist equally and simultaneously. The Divine Presence is at all places, on all levels, at all times. Only the focus of expression changes from one world to another, either physically distant, internally distant or distant in time.
Spirit expresses itself through energy, which on its lowest level is perceived as matter. Being evolves within this created system. There is general evolution of Being through all life forms below the level of man (minerals, plants and animals). There is individual evolution of Being for man and all levels above. General evolution on Earth is a part of the evolution of the Earth itself. Each life may spiral up, it may circle, or it may spiral down, run out of energy and fade away.
Veiled Choice
Humans accept certain limits while on the Earth in order to provide conditions for development.
We are restricted to the body. The inner levels are veiled. Past and present are obscured. All conscious memory of the pre-life condition is removed and it is not till a person begins to function freely within the Higher Energy levels that this memory is clearly regained - although vague and unreliable traces of it are sometimes discovered by those who are psychically sensitive in the Lower Energy levels.
Choice is created by this veiling of the Spirit from the superficial consciousness. Attachment to the senses is the result. These lead to identification of the self with the body, which is 'spiritual ignorance'.
Consequently, Mind must then make the choice to respond either to internal influences from above, or to external influences from below.
Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar EN.
Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar DE.
Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar FR.
Brain Consciousness
Scientists and religious leaders endlessly argue whether consciousness arises from the brain or consciousness comes first and the body-brain system after. Neither can disprove the other as the real truth is a mixture of both.
Brain Consciousness
How we see ourselves is the ego. It is a thin layer of self-awareness trapped between an outer shell or face and an inner shell. 所谓自我,即人们对自身的观点和看法,它介于外在自我层或说表象与内在自我层之间,很薄。
Negative Beings
Most teachings warn about opening yourself up to the inner levels through meditation without being closely connected to some developed teacher and their past teachers. This is because of the possibility of interference from partially developed beings on the inner levels.
Inner Guide
Accompanying every person on the Earth is an Inner Guide, who has developed themself to the level of the 3rd initiation in a previous life on earth or possibly elsewhere.
Inner Guide
Non-attachment in Life
Non-attachment to the good and the bad that surrounds you means more when practised in life than when practised in sheltered circumstances. Life on the Earth, with all its seemingly contradictory processes, is an exactly appropriate expression of the Divine in this particular time and place.
The Earth is a training ground and the conditions are perfect for the lessons we need to learn. The Divine has an inner and an outer expression, spiritual and worldly. Our purpose is to integrate the two.
All great teachers advocate students developing themselves while living a normal life. 'In life but not of life' say the Sufis while the ideal of the Daoists is to achieve a balanced harmony with the subtle natural processes of the Earth, solar system and universe including all its forms of life.
The struggles you make to improve your present situation are the ones that will best help your inner-being. Wherever you are is the best place from which to refine yourself.
Sufi Sheikhs & Daoist Sages are free to live a caring sharing family life. They are also free to earn their own living, not depending on charity and the labour of others. Using the difficulties of an un-sheltered life, Sufis work psychologically on emotional energies, replacing unconscious negative emotions with the conscious practice of love and its aspects. Their work on the body is mainly denying, withholding food, sleep, sex, and comfort.
Following the natural principles of the Earth, Daoists work more on the body and its energies, replacing unconscious tensions and actions with the conscious practice of relaxation, responsiveness, awareness and control. Their work on emotions is mainly denying, using calmness to withhold energy from anger, jealousy, fear etc.
As both Sufis and Daoists use the intellect to administer the process, a type of balance is established where at least two of the aspects are harmonised (intellect and emotions, or intellect and body), while the third is regulated by these two.
Omar Khayyam:
'Tis all a chequer-board of nights and days,
Where destiny with men for pieces plays:
Hither and thither moves, and mates, and slays,
And one by one back in the closet lays.
The Ball no question makes of Ayes and Noes,
But Right or Left as strikes the Player goes;
And He that toss'd Thee down into the Field,
He knows about it all - HE knows - HE knows!